Use Your Imagination for Great Fiction Writing
Do you have an active imagination and a creative thirst to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard? If so, creative fiction writing might be a good hobby or even a career for you. Many writers knew from a young age that this was their primary interest. Whether or not you fit this category doesn’t matter, just as many discovered the passion for creative writing in their later years. If you are a hobbyist writer, you may not care to take classes or attend workshops. However if you want to make writing a career, education is recommended.
One reason for this is because many people with brilliant ideas are not skilled at constructing their ideas into a readable story or book. They may need to study structure, pacing, character development, dialogue, grammar and more before they can turn their ideas into a masterpiece. For example, many agents and publishers frown at passive voice in fiction writing. While this is not an error and can work in many cases, active voice is preferred in most cases. You can recognize passive voice by indicators like has been and was. The right instruction can teach you when to use passive voice and when to avoid it.
Creative writing fiction is usually an area where active voice is preferred most of the time. There is so much to learn when putting together a story or book. Not only do you need to come up with the story, you need to flesh out the characters and make the whole thing interesting and believable. If a story moves too slowly the reader will get bored, too fast and important details may be skipped. There are many different genres of fiction including romance, sci-fi, mystery, horror, literary and more.
When you start creative fiction writing, you may play around with different genres until you find the one where you feel most at home. Some people are simply meant to write within a certain genre, for example could you imagine Steven King writing romances or Danielle Steele writing horror? You will find an area in which you shine, which is the area to focus your study on. Also, writers of both fiction and nonfiction must have thick skin, and be able to take rejection and criticism as a learning experience rather than a devastating blow. Many writers go through a great many rejections before their work is finally accepted.